Canara Bank Recruitment of Clerks Project 2012

Canara Bank Recruitment:
The bank invites application for recruitment to the post of Clerks from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination for Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in 2011.
Name of the Post & Number of Vacancies:
Clerks: 2000 vacancies
Important Dates for recruitment in Canara Bank
Opening date for online registration/ payment of application fee: 18 June 2012
Closing date for online registration/ payment of application fee: 1 July 2012
Eligibility Criteria for recruitment in Canara Bank
Educational Qualification (as on 1 August 2011)
Pass with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (pass only for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category in 10 of 10+2+3 pattern or its equivalent from a recognized Board) OR Pass with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (pass only for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category in 10+2 of 10+2+3 pattern or its equivalent from a recognized Board) OR Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by Central Government.
Computer Knowledge/ Qualifications: Operating & working knowledge in computer systems shall be an essential qualification, which a candidate needs to be completed within 6 months from the date of joining the Bank.
Proficiency in Official Language: Candidate should have proficiency in the Official Language (ability to read, write and speak local/ state language) of the State for which he/ she has applied.
Knowledge of Hindi Language: Candidate should have/ acquire working knowledge of Hindi before completion of probationary period.
Essential Requirement
IBPS Score obtained in CWE for Clerks 2011-12
Candidates should have appeared in CWE from a centre in a State for the vacancies he/ she wishes to apply.
Age Limit (as on 1 August 2011): Minimum 18 years, Maximum 28 years
Pay Scale: Rs 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/ 1-19300.
Selection Procedure for recruitment in Canara Bank: Selection for the post of Clerk will be based on the Total Weighted Standard Score in the Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS in 2011 and marks scored in the Group Discussion and Interview. Candidates will also be gauged on their Official Language Proficiency, (read, write & speak) of the State / UT for which the candidate has applied, and marks will be awarded for the same.
Depending on the number of vacancies, the Bank reserves the right to call only those candidates who have sufficiently high IBPS score in Common Written Examination for GD (100 marks) and Interview (100 marks).
The bank will prepare final list for each State/ Union Territory on the basis of TWS scores obtained by the candidates in the stipulated CWE for Clerks (60% marks) + Group Discussion (15% marks) + Interview (25% marks).
How to Apply for recruitment in Canara Bank: Candidates need to Apply Online on the bank's website
Application Fee: Fee for SC/ ST/ PWD/ Ex- Servicemen category candidates is Rs 20 and fee for other category students is Rs 100.
Application fee has to be paid through Fee Payment Challan/ NEFT Receipt duly authenticated by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & code No, (b) Transaction id/Scroll number (in case of payment through CBS) NEFT UTR No. (in case of payment through NEFT) (c) Date of Deposit & amount filled by the Branch Official.
Download Fee Payment Challan
Apply online by re-visiting the Recruitment link appropriate places. Fill in all other required details therein and click on the "SUBMIT" button at the end of the Online Application form. After on-line registration, candidates are requested to write their Registration Number on the back of the Payment Challan/ NEFT Receipt. Original fee payment receipt i.e CBS challan/ NEFT Receipt/ e-receipt will have to be submitted with the Call Letter at the time of Interview.
For more information, please:click here
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