Thursday, 2 May 2013

Apaana Mudra-Control of Diabetes

There is a mudra called Apaana Mudra. This is formed by touching top portions of middle finger, ring finger and thumb. There need not be any pressure while the portions are kept in touch. The other two fingers need to be kept as shown. The mudra to be done with both hands and kept for at least for 20 to 30 minutes. And more if possible. No restrictions on when to do it etc.  it can be done while walking, or while taking rest at home or sit with this mudra while meditating etc. This mudra is said to control Diabetes. And also it is said to expel impurities of body by causing sweating. There are many other benefits claimed. Advised to practice for several months to reap benefits. We can ask our patients to do this act in addition to the medication given.
Key word: Diabetes, Hand, Mudra

1 comment:

  1. Hi Selvaraju,
    Great post and helpful for those who are fighting with diabetes. Diabetic patients must engage themselves in regular physical activities to lead active life as regular physical activities will improve their immunity system and helps them in getting active whole day.
    grayslake chiropractor
