Friday, 19 April 2013

Cure snoring Problem simply.

Snoring means less oxygen to the throat and head area. 
This can be increased by doing Adi Mudra and followed by space mudra.
Explanations:That is how to do.
The thumb should touch the bottom of the little finger and closed by other fingers. Do it on both hands for 15 to 30 minutes a day. You can do it while walking or lying down or while watching TV.

 Increasing the space element is important too. The space in the tongue area is less. Thumb touching the middle finger can help.  Do this space Mudra after Adi Mudra. Instructions are the same.

 While doing the Mudras, on Inhalation, chant PAHANG and on exhalation, chant HIPPIENG, within the mind. These two words increase the space in the neck area.
One has to check for Cervical Spondylosis. There may be a problem in the cervical area of the spine, for which doing Yogasanas can help. Please check with your local yoga expert.
Key word:Cure snoring Problem.

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