Wednesday 29 February 2012

8 simple Tips To Remove Bad Smell From Shoes.

Tips to remove smell from shoes/slippers: 
1.One of the simple tips to remove odour from shoes/slippers is by putting them under the sun. this helps dry the soul and cloth in the shoes and kill germs. After every use, let the sweat dry.
2. You can also put naphthalene balls inside the shoes and leave overnight. If the smell doesn't go from the shoes or slippers, wash them.
3. Always read the instructions before washing shoes/slippers. Soak the stinky shoes in soapy water and wash.
4. You can also soak the stinky shoes in baking soda solution. Just add few tsp of baking soda in soapy water and wash after 20 minutes.
5. If you don't have time to wash, just sprinkle baking soda on shoes and leave overnight. Clean with a cloth piece.
6. White vinegar can be used to remove odour from shoes/slippers. You can either sprinkle white vinegar inside the shoes or else add few drops of white vinegar in water and wash them.
7. If your shoe is non-washable, just soak a dry cloth in white vinegar and then clean the shoes/slippers. White vinegar helps get rid of odour from shoes.
8. One simple tip to remove smell from shoes is by using scented fabric softener sheets in your slippers and leave overnight.
  Try these tips to remove smell from stinky shoes/slippers. To maintain proper hygiene, clean your foot regularly and wear new
pair of socks

Key word:8Tips to remove bad smell from shoes.

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