Since now you have cleared your written exam, the last phase of the bank recruitment process is Interview. Along with your performance at written exam, interview will be the deciding factor if you have cracked the recruitment process successfully. While your knowledge was judged in the written exams, the employer will judge your communication, attitude, and problem solving skills.
Knowledge about the banking:
The first step to the preparation of bank interview is knowing the bank of which you have cleared the exam. Almost all banks today have their website to promote financial products and provide online banking for their customers. Know about their history, services, products, achievement, management, as well as their values.
Practice interview questions:
Ask a friend to help you prepare for basic interview questions. Interviewers would ask about you, your family background, strengths, weaknesses, the reason they should hire you etc. Give a copy of your resume to a friend and allow him/her to question you about your education and work experience.
Preparing situation based questions:
Interviewers might ask the candidates questions related to their personal life or work history when they had to face issues or conflicts with a tough boss, a stubborn customer or an arrogant co-worker or pleasant experiences when an employer or customer was pleased with your work. The motive is to judge the candidate as a team player, his/her efficiency in handling a specific situation, honesty etc. The candidate should ensure to answer these situational questions with a real-life example.
Practice questions:
Once you are prepared with the interview questions, sit or stand in front of the mirror and practice looking yourself in the eyes. Pay attention to the nervousness, the way you speak, its pace and clarity of words. You can even record your voice to notice the problem areas and rectify them.
Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
Generally it is expected of the candidate to ask questions about the company or position at the end of the interview. The interviewee can ask questions about the duties at the bank.
Method of Dressing:
Besides preparing for the interview, it is important that the candidate is perfectly groomed and has a professional interview outfit. Both men and women should wear business suit, that are clean and wrinkle free.
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