Wednesday 21 March 2012

Herbs for Liver Remedies

Liver Tonics Remedies
           Milk thistle A healthy liver is the foundation of health, and inversely, a failing liver is life threatening. If your liver fails, so do you. There are constant pressures on the liver from environmental toxins in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food and medicines we digest. The liver is amazingly complex organ, the largest one in the body, and it affects virtually every physiological process.
           The liver metabolizes proteins, fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates that fuel the body and secrete bile that increases intestinal absorption of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. A sluggish liver translates into fatigue since the body cannot convert foods into energy efficiently.
          Metabolizes and secretes toxins. Toxic buildup is thought to be the underlying causes of conditions such as chronic fatigue, stress, and inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and psoriasis, just to name a few. The liver detoxifies harmful biochemicals produced naturally as byproducts of internal processes, and those we willfully take in, i.e., drugs, alcohol, and chemical additives in processed foods.
         Herbal remedies for the liver concentrate on supportive herbal tonics that help it's perform these vital functions: aiding digestion, increasing energy, and eliminating toxins.
        Milk thistle is the best known of the liver tonics. The seeds contain silymarin, which has been shown to protect the liver against a number of toxins, including alcohol. A frequent drinker or recovering alcoholic should take milk thistle extract on a daily basis.


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